Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm Sorry Followers

Hi Ladies, 
Due to some seriously devastating circumstances I won't be making posts for a while..... I will be sure to keep up on the giveaways I have going on, and I will be sure to send out the prizes to the winners, but this situation is going to make it impossible to do new posts for a bit. I'm really sorry for letting you all down, trust me I DID NOT expect what just happened, and I'm trying to handle it the best I can. I'm kinda devastated right now, so I'm sorry for making this so short and not including much detail, but it's private, and maybe I will be able to share at some point when I can heal a little first. Please dont give up on me! I will be back up and running as soon as I can pick up the pieces and get myself together again. :( 
Love you all! 
A Beauty With Edge.


  1. Cheer up. <3 Hope that you work out whatever is going on in your life.. I know how you feel, though. :(

  2. I completely understand! You focus on yourself!

  3. I hope everything works out for you! Take as long as you need. :)

  4. I totally understand! You take all the time you need, things will get better.

  5. hope everything is ok.
    take your time.

  6. totally understand...feel better hun

  7. So sorry to hear this :( Hope everything turns out ok.

  8. heyy i've just given you an award on my lastest blog post :) please come check it out? here's the link!

  9. Keep your chin up girl! Everything will work out good for you...just stay positive! Look forward to hearing from you when YOU are ready! :-)
